The Complete Privacy & Security Desk Reference: Volume II: Physical (Volume 2)

The Complete Privacy & Security Desk Reference: Volume II: Physical (Volume 2)

The first volume of this series made you digitally invisible. This book continues with your journey and explores complete physical privacy and security in the real world. After 100 pages of updates from the previous volume (Digital), this book explains how to be private and secure in your home and while you travel. You will create a more secure home perimeter, use living trusts, land trust and LLC’s to privately title your home, apply physical disinformation techniques around your property, execute a fail-proof firewall to protect your entire home network and devices, install better locks on your doors, enable advanced features of your alarm system, install a proper home safe, modify your vehicles and usage, privately title your vehicle and registration, embrace surveillance under your terms, avoid threats to your safety, secure your belongings from physical and digital intrusion during travel, and become more aware of your surroundings while being prepared to take action.When taken to the extreme, you will be impossible to compromise.
The Complete Privacy & Security Desk Reference: Volume II: Physical (Volume 2)

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