The Adventures of Mimi the Bulldog! Welcome Home! Mimi! (Volume 1)

The Adventures of Mimi the Bulldog! Welcome Home! Mimi! (Volume 1)

The book series “The Adventures of Mimi the Bulldog” are based on the life experiences and events of Mimi Marie Escalante, an English bulldog from Downey, California. Mimi was born on June 6, 2015 and arrived at her new home on July 23, 2015. Mimi immediately transformed the hearts of her family. The series portrays Mimi’s kindness, love, wittiness, free spirit and at times her mischievous behavior. Most importantly each story attempts to leave a morale or a life lesson to children and their families, a message of love. Mimi’s mission and purpose is to make others happy and through her stories she is attempting to foster the bond among family. Mimi is undergoing obedience training to become a Therapy dog at a local children’s hospital and reading program.
The Adventures of Mimi the Bulldog! Welcome Home! Mimi! (Volume 1)

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