Shampoo Planet

Shampoo Planet

Shampoo Planet is the rich and dazzling point where two worlds collide — those of 1960s parents and their 1990s offspring, “Global Teens.” Raised in a hippie commune, Tyler Johnson is an ambitious twenty-year-old Reagan youth, living in a decaying northwest city and aspiring to a career with the corporation whose offices his mother once firebombed.
This six-month chronicle of Tyler’s life takes us to Paris and the ongoing party beside Jim Morrison’s grave, to a wild island in British Columbia, the freak-filled redwood forests of northern California, a cheesy Hollywood, ultra-modern Seattle, and finally back home. On the way we meet a constellation of characters, among them: Jasmine, Tyler’s Woodstock mom; Dan, his land-developer stepfather; “Princess Stephanie,” Tyler’s European summer fling; and Anna Louise, his post-feminist girlfriend with an eating disorder.
Tyler’s dizzying journey into the contemporary psyche — a voyage full of rock videos, toxic waste, french-fry computers, and clear-cut forests — is a spellbinding signature novel for a generation coming of age as the millennium comes to a close.
Shampoo Planet

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