Savannah Monitors: A Complete Guide to Varanus Exanthematicus (Complete Herp Care)

Savannah Monitors: A Complete Guide to Varanus Exanthematicus (Complete Herp Care)

For both beginner and advanced hobbyists comes a brand new reptile and amphibian series. Each ttile in the Complete Herp Care series contains all-new, in-depth, current information on a wide variety of topics, including breeding, housing, nutrition, and health care. All authors are experienced writers and experts in their field. Every book is fully illustrated and contains multiple sidebars and tip boxes.

Written by a respected authority on monitor lizards, this book thoroughly covers topics such as housing, nutrition, health care, and breeding, with detailed charts and tables on several subjects, such as climate of the natural range.
Savannah Monitors: A Complete Guide to Varanus Exanthematicus (Complete Herp Care)

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