Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook (Revised Edition): Over 100 Tail-Wagging Treats

Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook (Revised Edition): Over 100 Tail-Wagging Treats

  • Cider Mill Press Book Publishers

This updated and expanded edition of the original Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook has more recipes, more variety, and more reasons your dog will be begging for another batch of these wholesome and healthy goodies.

Your loyal companion deserves the best, and this cookbook includes over 100 recipes to help you do just that. Why settle for store-bought, processed dog treats when you could be delighting your dog’s appetite AND health with easy-to-make, organic and delicious biscuits! All recipes are free of wheat, corn, and soy, include simple instructions, and require minimal preparation. In the time it takes to pick up a bag of treats at the store, you could be whipping up tasty tidbits for your best friend!
Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook (Revised Edition): Over 100 Tail-Wagging Treats

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The Ultimate Homemade Dog Treat Cookbook: Tasty and Healthy Treat Recipes Your Dog Will Love

Dog treats are a wonderful way to reward your pup for taking your command or just be adorable. But did you know that commercial dog treats are made with potentially harmful ingredients that can increase the chance of your dog developing an allergy, as well as various other health complications? It’s sad to say that most dog treat companies are more worried about their bottom line than they are about the health and well-being of their customer’s dogs. So, what are pet owners supposed to do? Make their own homemade dog treats of course! And “The Ultimate Homemade Dog Treat Cookbook: Tasty and Healthy Treat Recipes your Dog will Love” will show you exactly how Each recipe included in this cookbook has been tested to ensure accuracy. They also include serving size and time it will take to make, complete ingredient list, and directions written in a step-by-step formula that is easy for anyone to follow no matter what their previous dog treat making experience. Inside the pages of “The Ultimate Homemade Dog Treat Cookbook: Tasty and Healthy Treat Recipes your Dog will Love”, you’ll find 25 DIY recipes designed for your pooch. Being both healthy and tasty, you won’t have to worry about what your dog is consuming when you feed them these treats. The dog treat recipes in this book range from simple to more complex, and even include frozen treats to cool your pooch down when it’s hot outside and treats to help banish that awful doggie breath. You will even find no-bake treat recipes so you can still make your dog delicious nibbles without slaving over a hot oven. So, what are you waiting for? Start reading “The Ultimate Homemade Dog Treat Cookbook: Tasty and Healthy Treat Recipes your Dog will Love” today!
The Ultimate Homemade Dog Treat Cookbook: Tasty and Healthy Treat Recipes Your Dog Will Love

Sales Rank: 9.99 is part of the Amazon Affiliate Network. We may receive payment for items purchased through the Amazon website. * 9.99