Cats and Dogs: A Guide On How They Can Live together (Dogs and cats, dogs and cats calendar, dogs and cats book, dog, cat, dog bed, dog food, dog toys, cat tree, cat food, cat toys)

Cats and Dogs: A Guide On How They Can Live together (Dogs and cats, dogs and cats calendar, dogs and cats book, dog, cat, dog bed, dog food, dog toys, cat tree, cat food, cat toys)

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how train dogs and cats to live together. Dogs and cats are supposes to be life-long enemies. Hence the phrase, “fighting like cats and dogs” was developed. Having always owned both cats and dogs, I find the phrase and the premise to be far more inaccurate than accurate. Of course, we all know that there are those dogs that will simply chase every cat they see and those cats that will never tolerate a dog. However, it has been my experience when handled correctly, the vast majority of dogs and cats can live together. They may not learn to love each other; but they certainly can learn to tolerate each other’s presence. Dogs and cats that are raised with each other typically do fine their entire lives. They may actually accept an animal of another species more easily than one of their own, in that there are fewer fights over dominance and territory.
Cats and Dogs: A Guide On How They Can Live together (Dogs and cats, dogs and cats calendar, dogs and cats book, dog, cat, dog bed, dog food, dog toys, cat tree, cat food, cat toys)

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