2019 Calendar American Bulldog: Dog weekly calendar, personal contacts list, password log, notes and to do list Reviews

2019 Calendar American Bulldog: Dog weekly calendar, personal contacts list, password log, notes and to do list

I love my dog. My dog is so important to my life. This Dog Weekly Calendar gives you the opportunity to tell a little about your dog. You can keep birthday reminders of friends, Personal contacts, information, and notes. Each week you have the calendar dates with notes and to do it list. Each week has a dog quote for you to think about during the week. In the back of the book, you can add pictures or post extra notes for the coming New Year. As a book companion don’t forget to buy a dog journal or scrapbook which allows for dog owners to document the life of their dog. Dog owners can keep track of the details of their pet’s arrival, antics, and favorite foods. The journal includes a tracking of visits to the vet and medical history and shots. Space is provided for you to tape or paste your dog’s photos.
2019 Calendar American Bulldog: Dog weekly calendar, personal contacts list, password log, notes and to do list

Sales Rank: 12.97

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